On Saturday, April 1, from 9 am - 2 pm, the Williamsburg Area Bicyclists (WAB) and James City County Parks and Recreation Department will host a “Get Your Bikes out of Hibernation” event at Chickahominy Riverfront Park on John Tyler Highway (Rte 5) near the Chickahominy River bridge. The rain date will be April 8. This is a totally free event. No pre-registration is necessary. Local bike shops will be on hand to perform complimentary safety checks and minor adjustments. WAB members will be on hand to pump up tires and, on a limited basis, replace leaking tubes (the only charge will be for tubes). WAB members will lead casual family-friendly rides ranging from 2-15 miles each hour on the Virginia Capital Trail (VCT). For more information, email information@wabonline.org or call 757-259-5353.