The saga continues, Ferry Nice Ride Part 3!!!! We will venture forth to Surry. (I would suggest taking the 8:35 ferry). The ride will commence at 9:30 at the Surry Government Center. We WABBERS have hit the jackpot, for once again, Jack Huber has come up with another humdinger of a route. It is called the "Three County Ride" because it travels through parts of Surry, Southhampton, and Isle of Wright Counties. It is 32 miles long, C pace , flat, lightly traveled, with lots of woods and farmland.
Upon completion of all this spectacularness, we will break bread at the splendiferous Surry Seafood Company.
If you want some exercise, fun, frivolity, and awesome camaraderie, then join Jack and Fran for Ferry Nice Ride Part 3.