If you capture your rides on Strava, it is easy to link your Strava account to Ride Logs so that you don't need to re-enter your rides on the WAB Ride Logs web page. Just follow these steps:
1. Set Your Preferences
- Click on the
icon to change your preferences. Set Enable Strava Download - Yes.
- Set the Strava Start Date. Strava rides will be downloaded from this date forward. If a Strava ride falls upon the same date as a manually entered Ride Log, you will be given the option to keep only the Strava ride, only the Ride Log ride or both.
- Click "Save & Close"
2. Authorize to Strava
After you Save & Close, you will be redirected to the Strava website and prompted to authorize via your Strava account. This is a "one-way" process - only rides from Strava are downloaded to Ridelogs. Rides are never uploaded to Strava.
3. Click on the "List" Icon
Now that you have authorized, anytime you click on the icon, a "pull" request to Strava is automatically initiated. Any new Strava rides that had not been previously downloaded with be downloaded at that time. From here you can also edit
or delete
rides, or see the detail of your ride by clicking on the ride date of your ride.
That is all there is to it - just remember - click on the
List icon to cause the Strava rides to be downloaded!