Ride With GPS (RWG) is a website where you can create your own bicycle routes. The "starter" membership on RWG is free, and most of what you need is included with the starter membership. One feature that requires the paid "basic" membership is PDF Cue Sheets. However with the Cue Sheet Generator you can create more powerful Cue Sheets than you can with the paid RWG membership!
Once created and saved (with public access in the "who can see it" field), then you can create a great looking cue sheet by entering the route number into the Cue Sheet Generator screen. The route number can be easily found by looking at the URL when you have the ride open for view or edit. For example, the URL will look like this: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/11026529
There is extensive help on the Ride With GPS website and you are encouraged to refer to that for "how to" information for creating a route. However, below are a few tips that will allow you to take full advantage of the features built into this custom Cue Sheet Generator.
Firstly, you should get comfortable with creating custom cues in RWG. Whenever you map out a route, the RWG website automatically creates cue sheet entries for all turns. You can see these cue sheet entries on the left side of the screen when in Edit mode.
Click on the cue sheet entry to update and customize. You can click on either the entry on the left or the cue sheet entry icon on the map to bring it up to edit.
In addition, you can insert a cue sheet entry anywhere along the route by selecting "Add to Cue Sheet" on the right hand side of the screen while in "Edit" mode, and then clicking on the route at the point to add the entry. Alternatively you can click along the elevation map on the bottom of the screen to add the cue sheet entry. This is especially useful when marking climb starts and summits. This is shown on the screen shot above.
To show that there is a Stop Sign (SS), Traffic Light (TL), Tee (T) or Crossing (X) at an intersection, simply enter SS, TL, T or X in the description field for any cue sheet entry. This will automatically insert (SS), (TL), (T) or (X) in the Go column.
To show the graphic icon for the Ferry, enter "Ferry" in the description field for a cue sheet entry of Type "Generic". NOTE: furthermore, if you enter "Pause" in any Cue Sheet entry in the Description field, the accumulated distance will be frozen until a Cue Sheet entry with the word "Resume" in the description field. This was specifically designed to use on Ferry crossings. So at the point in the route where the ride embarks on the ferry, enter "Ferry Pause" in the description field. Then at the point in the route where the ride disembarks, enter "Resume" in the description field. This will result in the distance traveled on the ferry NOT being included.
To show the graphic icons associated with these items, select the associated Type on the cue sheet entry as shown below. NOTE: If the Type is Generic and the Description contains "Ferry" then the associated icon will be shown as described above. If the Description field is blank or contains other text, then the "Info" icon as shown below will be displayed.
To show the climb start graphic icon, select Type of either "1st Category", "2nd Category", "3rd Category", "4th Category" or "Hors Category". It doesn't matter which category climb you select, they are all treated equally to mark the beginning of a climb. To show the climb end icon, select "Summit" in the Type field. NOTE: This cue sheet generator will AUTOMATICALLY calculate the total climb, average grade %, max grade % and ground distance traveled at that max grade. This information will be inserted in the cue sheet "Notes" column on the entry corresponding to the climb end (summit).
Ride With GPS provides a way to add points of interest (POIs) to your routes. A cue sheet entry related to the POI can be inserted by including the word "cue" in the beginning of the description as shown below.
These POIs are not necessarily right along the route so it may or may not be something appropriate to include on a Cue Sheet. Therefore cue sheet entries are only included on the Cue Sheet if TWO conditions are met: 1) The word "cue" is at the beginning of the description and 2) the POI is within 0.1 mile from your actual route.
The route on the map is normally designated in Red. But you can further designate sections on the route that are on a trail or on a non-paved (gravel) roadway. Trails will be shown in Green and non-Paved/Gravel segments in Blue. See below example:
Just add the following to the description field of any custom cue: (the second letter stands for "embark" or "disembark")
{TE} - Trail beginning
{TD} - Trail ending
{GE} - Gravel beginning
{GD} - Gravel ending
The Williamsburg Area Bicyclists first published a "route book" titled "Williamsburg Area Bike Rides" in 2005. It was subsequently updated in 2009. We are now in the process of updating it again. This is considered a fairly major revision since we are re-visiting each route to determine "keep/change/delete" and for those we are not removing, we re-creating the routes on Ride With GPS. As these routes are revised, they are being uploaded to the Cue Sheet library, in the "WAB Route Book" category.
In order to get member input on the new revised Cue Sheets, as well as to offer our members some additional riding opportunities, a series of Ride the Route Book rides will be organized over the next several months. Note, these will normally be very casual rides since we want to focus on checking the Cue Sheets and Maps. In fact, if you see any good photo opportunities, it would be helpful to take pictures as well, since we will also be updating the photos in the Route Book.
The timely communication of information to WAB membership related to the following topics:
If you have a reply which is of general interest to the membership, login to the website, go to the specific Message Board post and click on "Reply Topic". Note that a replyi sent in this manner will be seen by all members. If you have a personal reply or a reply that would not be of general interest, then send an eMail to the poster. In many cases, the poster may have included their eMail address in the post. If not, then you can send a personal eMail to any member by logging into the website, locate the member under the Member Directory (in the Members Only menu), click on the member name and then click on "Send Email".
In any case, do not reply to the eMail notification of the message board post, since that is only meant to be a read-only notification.
Without bicycle rides, we would have no club and without members willing to lead rides, we would have no rides! We are proud of our leaders and grateful for those that step forward and volunteer. We have regularly scheduled rides on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays year round (weather permitting) and that is awesome. We also have other "special" rides offered throughout the year as well. But there are plenty of "open slots" for more rides and we are striving to make the process to lead a ride as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!
The obvious first step is to plan your ride. This involves:
We have developed a simple web page for you to enter the relevant information related to your ride. On this page you will enter the following:
In addition, on this screen you can either select a Cue Sheet from the library or provide a link to a Cue Sheet on an external website. The inclusion of the Cue Sheet is helpful but not required.
After you click on the Submit button, your proposal will be forwarded to the WAB Ride Coordinator who will review your proposal. As soon as the Ride Coordinator approves your ride, it will be added to the club calendar. You will be notified via e-Mail when approved.
As mentioned above, your ride will be added to the Ride Calendar when approved. However, in order to further communicate and promote your ride, we recommend you post your ride to the Message Board. Most members receive a daily digest of message board posts via e-Mail so this is the best way to "get the word out". The Message Board is also the best way to communicate any changes, such as weather related cancellations.
That's all there is to it! If you have any questions please contact the club ride coordinator at ridecoordinator@wabonline.org.
Leading a ride not only helps the club but can be a very rewarding experience for you as the leader as well. Our members truly appreciate you!
Thanks for leading!
This involves:
Click on the images below to download the Sign-in Sheet and Accident Forms
These articles highlight valuable bicycle safety topics and/or skills. If you have any suggestions for additional topics please let us know!
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